Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Facts about your life

When you're born you will share your birthday with over 17 million people.

During the 10 years in school you will have an average of 17 friends, but the time you 40, this will drop to 2.

You will grow 590 miles of hair, laugh an average of 18 times a day, and walk the equivalent of 3 times around the world.

You'll eat 30 tons of food, drink over 9000 cups of coffee and have a 1/10000 chance will be accidentally electrocuted.

On average, you'll spend 10 years of your life at work, 20 years asleep, 3 years in the toilet, 7 months waiting in the traffic and 2 1/2 months on hold.

You'll spend 12 years watching television and 19 days looking for the remote.

Which leave you 1/5 of your life for living.

So you better get on with it.

Think Again... =)

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